This page was born at the end of the examination of measures-of-the-great-pyramide-of-Giza.html, but I then separated it due to the peculiar specific im­por­tance of the implications, which extend well beyond the initial topic, in­vesting a subject of extreme topicality and importance on a historical and es­o­ter­ic level.
Following the context from which it arose, it is not an article structured a pos­te­ri­o­ri, but rather a crescendo of discoveries, reflections and verifications that I leave in the order in which they occurred, offering the reader the same judg­ment process. In order not to weigh down the overall loading and reading space, some images remain entrusted to an icon, only by clicking which they will be taken from the server and displayed, then also hidden, so the icon remains visible and accessible on the enlarged images.
The new face of Lucifer

If I understand correctly, the Plejaren (stage name for the self-styled Ple­iadians) are a colony of aliens stationed on the planet Venus (Lucifer is the name historically associated with the planet Venus), who seek to expand their branches on Earth, pre-ordaining its conquest, with tones that border on the programming of the human species for the next 10 thousand years according to the work of Billy Meyer, awarded the most delirious historical genealogy: starting from Enoch, he would be the last reincarnation of as many as 7 of the Prophets and celestial Guides in history, a concatenation erroneously defined as a 'lineage'.
I would have simply contested at first glance that, by purposely using the name Henoch instead of Enoch, he claims in his “Billy Meier Wiki” that:

The human spirit that was incarnated as the Henoch human form at that time was the same spirit that is now incarnated as the Billy Meier human form.

Suspicious of the concealment of the name Enoch, high­light­ed by the repetition of the name itself in brack­ets, I wanted to investigate further, and if what the ar­ti­cle on the right re­ports is true, I thought with good rea­son that he was def­i­nite­ly a de­ranged per­son, while those who pass him such tips fly ra­ther low; not so much for the UFO ma­te­ri­al contested (even by the CIA), but for the claim to be the sev­enth re­in­car­na­tion af­ter six proph­ets com­mon to Ju­da­ism, Chris­ti­an­i­ty and Is­lam: E­noch, E­li­jah, I­sa­iah, Jer­e­mi­ah, the Naz­a­rene and Mohammed.
Strangely enough, the Buddha is not listed, even though he is an integral part of the history on Earth of which Meier will propose himself as the last stan­dard­-bearer.
In the meantime, he has been accused by his ex-wife of having fabricated fake photos of spaceships using tin can lids; and of having produced photos of extraterrestrial women, who were in reality Michelle DellaFave and Susan Lund, members of the singing and dancing troupe The Golddiggers.
Already at the age of fourteen he experienced three years in the Albisbrunn reformatory for petty thefts while running away from school. Again for theft, in the remand center in Aaburg, from which he escaped to join the Foreign Legion. But he deserted from there too. Years later he was expelled from India on charges of vagrancy and for having defrauded unwary people by selling them doctored photos of UFOs, built with models.
synthetic excerpt from: UFO – Rivista di informazione ufologica n. 18, 1996
del Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici –
Tendencies destined to find extreme realization in satisfying a project of con­quest that will make him number one.

If so much gives me so much… even from the Apophis predictions daringly made on the mother page, for one reason or another we would all be safe.
But they're trifles compared to what will come out.
For the record, in the 70s I attended, not alone, biweekly mediumistic meet­ings with high level Entities not incarnated or living and operating on much high­er frequency planes, and evolved extraterrestrial units gravitating around the planet for safeguarding purposes, without ever having to make so much noise.
The latter, reaching the body of the Instrument by a sort of astral bilocation, answered our questions through it.
Some of those present were able to see them, and they also informed us of earthquakes that were punctually arriving, things that years later I would have studied and often forecast on my own with my advanced astrological pro­ce­dures already mentioned on the previous page; and I say this to un­der­line that these are not prophecies, but deductions applied to celestial me­chan­ics.
The fact is that I did not develop this article to discuss UFO events and beliefs; what I glimpse goes far beyond and interests the human race for future generations even more than potential relationships with neighbors, or with planets or systems.
The spiritual and esoteric component which on the one hand is the most e­las­tic, mal­le­a­ble and uncontrollable as it cannot be subjected to rigor and sci­en­tif­ic proof, on the other hand is the one which over the centuries has given great­est proof of its power, more dominant, edifying and destructive than the economy and finance, which can foment interests and conflicts, but still before our eyes today along the lines of religious principles and ideologies which are their backbone.
This applies in different ways to our entire universe, since the laws of Creation and Existence, not always well known and respected, are its carriers.
We are in step with a New Era, that is, with profound changes to which the interests of those who have greater understanding are very sensitive and attentive.
The Earth is like a seed that is about to sprout; and if from within it it is rare to acquire full awareness of it, those who are distant, with a greater overall vision and experience are able to integrate their projects and goals.
This is what happens and makes its way through some attempts like those that will emerge, in which spaceships are the vehicles, but spirituality is the fuel, the prime mover and the basis of everything.

Why delirious? it is soon said. What he says is so absurd that it even con­fuses himself. I noticed that he theorized quite improperly about a ‘human spirit’ incarnated as the Henoch human form. ‘human spirit’?
Then he corrected himself: ‘was the same spirit that is now incarnated as the Billy Meier human form’. Although absolutely false, according to a logic that he seems to have lost control of, his own, none of the seven can ever be said to be the reincarnation of one of the others, each being the single humanoid manifestation of the "same spirit". No man however re­in­car­nates another, as Meier pontificates, also maintaining from his chair that ‘Mohammed… was a direct reincarnation of Jmmanuel’.
According to the theory that he will enunciate, none of the Beings listed should exist anymore, with Meyer being alive as their last shore.
But this is absolutely not the case: just as the writer, that is, I, knows CHRIST, he knows ENOCH, he is in high contact with both and can allow him­self to speak in THEIR Name. They exist, and they are two very dis­tinct Entities Of Light, very close and emanating from GOD, for me THE BEING OF THE BEING or SOURCE OF THE'EXISTENCE, who here I call GOD only by convention. On the other hand they do it too, although they replace It with an ex­tra­ter­res­tri­al in charge of a squadron of more or less ad­vanced space­ships, with whom humans should be content since Creation is in their opinion in­ac­ces­si­ble to everyone. Nor is It the false God de­scribed by the Catholic Church, which its FIGU Group exploits in order to be able to make use of any belief different from the one it reels off.

59. God and his Sons of Heaven are other human races who have come
in their metallic machines from stars in the vastness of space.
60. Creation remains immeasurably high above and beyond God
and his Sons of Heaven, who are but guardian angels.
61. Creation alone is the immeasurable enigma that creates life
and remains immeasurably high above God and all life as well.
presumed from Talmud Jmmanuel, chapter 28, verses 59-61:
They would like to make you believe in a Creation without a Creator, an in­ac­ces­si­ble enigma (even if we are fully inside it since we are the creation), and certainly formulated like this it really is; an insurmountable ceiling so far above everything as to cancel the face of GOD, to then replace it with their underlying God man, rebellious to THAT which was denied, and with all his an­gel­ic ranks in tow.
Placing Creation as an absolute above their heads, so as not to have to deal with GOD, who brought them into being,is their way of stating via Bulletins, book OM canons and verses, how they can reproduce, grow and die without any divine spark from their star-traveling god.
He BEAM, the new prophet, unable by his status quo to remember, justifies the oxymoron by blaming the Bible's definition of God.

Out of ambitious arrogance they have opposed GOD who is ABSOLUTE LOVE from which every being is derived - and which only the CHRIST OF LIGHT can help us approach with the highest intuition - and then they have en­trenched themselves in lower level vibratory dimensions, dominated by instrumental technologies oriented towards matter, towards the most abject autonomy, the 666 base of the Beast, in clear contrast with the transparent, ineffable spiritual brilliance of their original Soul.

However, since a Source or First Cause of Creation must Exist, these pas­sages should suffice to demonstrate the more or less artificial vacuity of the Talmud document, which cannot be a gap of authentic CHRIST, but at most of Ple­iadians.

Whatever one thinks about it, for anyone with a minimum of preparation it must be very clear and evident that no individual living in a material body can be or even resemble GOD, the SOURCE of everything and everyone.
Reincarnation is the means and a state that the CREATOR offers us so that we can recover, and/or help others to recover step by step the condition of o­rig­i­nal perfection, after it has been compromised by the ERROR (read Evil).

Even though we will see Billy Meier demoted to a simple contactee [“who would also become a contact”] by Sananda (a.k.a. an alternative re­in­car­na­tion of Jesus, but bearing the mark of Satan):
Billy Meier, himself a part of the incarnation lineage of the seven prophets
as prophet of the New Age, currently writes in his book An Open Word:
An Open Word, page 3, verses 17-19:
17. The fact, namely, that the God mentioned in the Bible
is not Creation - and never shall be.
18. Creation itself exists inaccessibly higher than God,
who is nothing more than a human being who has merely served
as the primary ruler over various human races since ancient times.
19. The biblical God, beyond the shadow of a doubt, is a human being -
who even is, with extreme certainty, a star traveller.
da “Clarification of a Defamatory Claim”
One might wonder who would have ‘merely served’… or why he is relegated to the human, as if only men existed in the universe… but given the ‘extreme certainty’, it is better not to enter into controversy.
Many more inconsistencies and contortions follow, this is just a preamble.
He distinguishes Emmanuel from the historical Jesus, while remaining that, the person of whom he claims to be the last derivative in flesh and blood; but not content:
The name Jmmanuel denotes the virtue and meaning of "he of godly knowledge", which, of course refers to the knowledge of an Jshwjsh, i.e., the knowledge of a human being with extremely high learning, of an initiated and wise counsellor. On the other hand, the title Jesus Christ contains the value of all that is evil,
excessive and murderous.
For him, ‘divine knowledge’ is on the rank of an ‘extremely high education’, which raises him, or reduces him, to his sole god-commander-in-chief.

He abuses the initial of Enoch's name [±H], to make pro­mo­tion­al use of proph­e­cies that do not belong to him and whose translation “N.B. contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.” (is this a German virtue? Did Enoch write in German?).
There is therefore no doubt that such a permanent and unquestionable al­lit­er­a­tion (a clever escape route): Henoch~Enoch has not arisen on purpose within the current publishing industry, paraded like a headline next to the title of Moos­brug­ger's book on UFOs for a front-row seat, being able to count on the complicity of search engines, for which a name with ±H is as good as another (especially since not everyone would doubt a translation of the Ethiopian name Enoch into Henoch in the English language).
It is an almost childish theatrical screen, but suitable for stuffing the minds and polluting, at the base, the naivety of an unprepared public, to sell his speeches as the NewGospel.
If at the time I had doubts about the effrontery of attributing to himself even indirectly the prophecies of Enoch, this deceptive quote that I find as a further example betrays it:

The prophecies are named after Henoch (also spelled Enoch), a figure from biblical and apocryphal texts known for his close relationship with the divine and his prophetic abilities.

‘also spelled’ means ‘otherwise said’, secondly, as if to say by courtesy!
another shade of falsehood. In short, he cheats the cards of a culture that is thousands of years old, trampling on it with subterfuge and convinced he can get away with it; there is reason to feel proud of having fooled the world be­yond all limits for an entire life.

my experience and verification
Halfway through my current journey I was a member of Group '5' operating behind closed doors, aimed by the High Spheres to operate at an occult level for the safeguard of our planet. It was ENOCH who initiated me, speaking to him first through the body of an 'Instrument' – my mentor and friend, coming from Andromeda, author of the unique and superlative account, drawn up by me with the title “IL CONO DELL'ERRORE (Im Italian only, it is not suitable reading for eve­ry­one, withdrawn from initial sale and then repositioned online, without download) – endowed with such mediumistic power as to allow the Entities to place themselves and use his body as if awake, calmly seated and without any support, to speak as in a normal conversation… except that time when Moses stopped his heartbeat.
Yes, Moses, a suffering Entity, unlike what one might think, who in a moment of consideration for our respective conditions in primis openly confided to me that he felt very tormented by certain errors committed in ruling his people, which which precluded certain accesses higher up.
Only two of us welcomed Him, for a meeting prearranged without my know­ledge: I, the undersigned, together with a lady doctor friend of mine, whom He Himself (for reasons unbeknownst to me) intended to invite to take part in our operational path.
She, completely new to this experience, had accepted my proposal for a meet­ing given my presence; and it was then that Moses, to give her proof of the truthfulness of the session, invited her to hold between her fingers the pulse of the ‘Instrument’ which was simply sitting in front of us.
She did so and I soon saw her turn pale: for a good half minute she no longer felt its heart beating, it had stopped. Then everything returned to normal, not without a few deep sighs of relief from the medium. However, she did not adhere to the invitation, she was too caught up in her commitments with chil­dren with Down syndrome. If she reads me, I'm sure she'll remember it.

I was later able to turn to HIM, Enoch, the Wisdom in being, directly according to precise instructions.
In a first exclusive and personal session, HE informed me of my occult cre­den­tials, which HE conferred upon me together with certain faculties.
Of one of the subsequent ones (always and only the Instrument and I) I keep His words well in mind: “you will be put to the test to the limit of your pos­si­bilities”; and He was right! half a century today in which I speak of it for the first time.
Right on the subject of the Great Pyramid, I remember asking Him to confirm whether He had prompted a psychic woman to contact with one clear mes­sage the scholar Mario Pincherle, well­-known author of an essay entitled "the Great Pyramid and the Zed", ded­i­cat­ed to the prestigious ‘Accademia dei Lin­cei’, a sort of carefully illustrated booklet-brochure of which I had in my hand an au­to­graphed copy that reported His mes­sage and suggestions received.
Pincherle had donated it to his friend Tonino Casetta, owner of the fifteenth-century castle of Carimate (Como), not free from spiritual presences, where among other things I had a suite for my occasional stays. During a dinner with these mutual friends, whom I frequented with extreme familiarity and con­fi­dence, I also had the opportunity to meet Venia, his sen­si­tive assistant, like­ly the actress of the contact and indications received from Enoch in that in­i­tial phase, the one that Pincherle described with the enthusiasm of surprise as an un­ex­pec­ted 'telepathic secretary'. Of this radical event, however, although re­port­ed in that essay, I find no mention on the web.
Perhaps for fear that such exceptionality could compromise even more than his unusual theories on Zed; or to see their personal merit reduced.
Enoch confirmed to me that Pincherle had been inspired, but only in part of his research.

As for me, adding details would be a superfluous exhibition; I only want to bear witness that the spirit of Billy Meier has nothing and no incarnation to share with Enoch.
He is just an individual who owes the fortune of his false engagement (and lineage) to the credulity of people who do not know, but who need something to trust; thanks also to the falsehoods of the Catholic Church.
My direct knowledge therefore obliges me to report and warn anyone who is not aware of it - and could slip into a gross error of judgment and trust - not so much by believing in the existence of UFOs, which should be a given by now, but that the aforementioned Henoch, with a genealogy traced back by alien Contact Reports to around 9000 years BC, whatever is attributed to him IS PLAGIARIZING THE NAME AND EXISTENCE OF THE ENTITY OF ENOCH, dis­pens­er of Universal Justice and Order, alongside the CHRIST, two Be­ings Of Light that more than one of us have known since then, and with whom I have maintained a relationship for decades according to need.
Even if it doesn't involve my present life, one comes across such a patch­work of dubious counterfeits that it should put anyone using common sense on guard.
Meier says his extraterrestrial friends often take him aboard their craft, which can travel backward or forward in time. This, Meier claims, has enabled him to speak with Jesus, to photograph the eye of God, and to photograph the futuristic ruins of San Francisco after an earthquake. Nearly seven years ago, MUFON, the nation’s largest group of UFO believers, published a report which characterized Meier’s claims and his flying-saucer photos as “The Most Infamous Hoax in UFOlogy.” Rarely does a pro-UFO group publicly admit a hoax, let alone use such harsh criticism.
Los Angeles Times – By Philip J. Klass June 7, 1987 12 AM PT
Did I overdo it with the term ‘delirious’? Yet the real problem here is not that of UFOs, which will very soon clarify itself.
A careful observer will notice at least two aspects that are at least strange:
What do we owe to the choice of the reporter Billy, of that God who has al­ways characterized a single eye? Did Billy Meier really see him (as if for this one had to travel in time… or rather because the journey back went back to before the fall of the angels, when God was still accessible to them?), and the only thing he reports is that he photographed him?
Given the definition of God according to “An Open Word,” page 3, verses 17-19, It surprises us that, completely out of line, to show off his ad libitum shot he chose the religious image of that God that his doctrine bluntly de­fames, rather than promote one of the human in high places who takes his place.
Jesus Christ's confused teachings point to the veneration of an almighty Creator-God who sits in heaven as creator of the entire Universe and organizer of the fate of the world and all human beings living on it. These are confused, nonsensical Christian false teachings whose absurdity, horrendous contradictions and insanity can hardly be expressed in words.
It is only the writer who conveniently confuses the words of Jesus with what the Church has done, so as to be able to distribute all its poisonous contempt.

In truth, there was no need for the phantom JTalmud to invalidate the false­hoods of the Church first: CHRIST did it, in clear LETTERS.

I will make a further statement that my true ‘Jesus’ CHRIST self must not
in any way be confused with the Jesus
recorded in the New Testament.
Right from the Preface:
I HAVE COME expressly to rectify the misinterpretations of my Teachings in Palestine because all Church dogma is impeding your spiritual progress,
Christ's Letter – Preface, p.6/333 (full re-release: by A.Alessi)

However, it is a real shame that it was only a blurry photo of the Ring Nebula, taken from a telescope. On the other hand, it certainly reveals the opinion and respect that Meier and Plejaren reserve for their most worthy followers.
The second question is how can he say he ‘spoke with Jesus’, after having de­nied his existence, at least with that name? If he had done so, perhaps by pres­enting himself as his current reincarnation, it would be incredible that Je­sus had not left any mention of it, when he was trying to promise that he would return, and precisely in the era of the prophet Meier, as the last link in the plot by which Emmanuel (Jesus) could no longer exist!
And yet “Jesus would have named him his thirteenth apostle in con­sid­er­a­tion of his intelligence and his spiritual qualities” (ibid.).

Enoch was indeed a biblical character called the seventh [patriarch] after Adam, mentioned in the Book of Genesis (5, 21-23). The “Book of Enoch” is a sweeping narrative of the heavenly journey of the true prophet Enoch.

Enoch walked with God; after he had begotten Methuselah,
he lived for three hundred years and begotten sons and daughters.
All the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years.
Then Enoch walked with God and was no more, since God had taken him.
(Genesis 5, 18-24)
That Book has always existed, in III widely recycled and discussed works, although mostly by scholars of ancient religions and declared apocryphal by the Catholic Church, which is certainly a distinctive sign.
Enoch 1
Enoch, a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by the Lord, and he saw a holy vision in the heavens, spoke and said: (This is) what the angels have shown me; I have heard all from them and I have known all, I who see not for this generation,
but for that which is to come, (for generations) far away.
transl. from «IL LIBRO DI ENOCH» - (now unavailable)
I started from disputes and denials on the news of which I report brief pas­sages, which could be defamatory, but also reports of assertions later re­worked following a clear absurdity.
I will see that he plays on words by replacing Jesus Christ, who never ex­ist­ed as such except as an error of the Church, with Jmmanuel, discovered by Billy also with a name readapted from Emmanuel, confirming the lineage of re­in­car­nations concluded with that of Mr. Meier, from Enoch onwards.
According to the Pleiadians, they would have ‘organized the periodic re­in­car­na­tion of a highly advanced entity in the human race, starting with the biblical Enoch up to their latest invention Billy Meier.
It would follow that all of them were bodies of the same celestial person.
But why should he, or how could he, be reincarnated, seeing and rec­og­nized by the traditions that he did not even physically die, but ascended di­rect­ly to Heaven without leaving a trace more than a cloud of vapor?
A fate with an outcome similar to that described by Christ in the ninth Let­ter, even if his death fulfilled a predestined functional purpose:
I, the CHRIST, have come through the medium of these LETTERS because I cannot return in bodily form - or take on human personality again - since I reside in and am, myself, of such fine and heightened vibrational frequencies of consciousness that no human physical form could contain my spiritual consciousness.
Although it was not my intention to dwell too much on this topic, I must now point out erratic knowledge. Meier, speaking of reincarnations, is keen to point out:
This signifies that no connection or responsibility of any type can be in effect retroactively toward the person's personality, actions, deeds and manner of thinking - hence, the material consciousness - of the previous body.
Contradictory, distorted and misleading description. What would consist of according to his notions 'the material con­scious­ness of the body'?
Is the con­scious­ness of enlightened prophets perhaps vegetative? Or even that of a nor­mal man?
Of course no body can have memory of another body! However the astral body can bear signs impressed on the previous body during its experiences, it has been seen on me. Of all the rest, the opposite is true. The principle that connects its reasons for being is the first to demonstrate this.
If this were the case, the Plejarens would have programmed the re­in­car­na­tion of seven disappearing individuals, each being replaced by the next, but with­out the privilege of evolutionary continuity. It will only serve to justify the con­nec­tion of B. Meier with the previous ones, given his total lack of gifts; make them carriages of a single train thanks to which he is given, or rather textually "self-imposed", the task of locomotive for the next 10,000 years, by means of official FIGU bulletins.
This exemplifies how easy and promising it is, with the simple conception and publication of a "Bulletin", to become part of history; even make it up if there are those who subscribe.
So much so that he managed to get him­self elected a time traveler, having been able to photograph the eye of God and the future earthquake in San Francisco, as well as being appointed 13th disciple by Jesus of Nazareth himself.
Likewise, even contradicting said theory, he can churn out Enoch's Prophecies, as if they belonged to him and he was able to handle them.
Billy Meier performs a self-imposed obligation that consists of fulfilling a mission in collaboration with extraterrestrial intelligences from the planet Erra (Plejares star system), and completing the task as the sole "prophet of the New Age"."
Very convincing, especially if he overrides himself:
His factual function as a prophet in ancient times as well as in the New Age, has been repeatedly mentioned throughout Meier's written texts and contact reports, …
There is no lie more insidious than one that is imbued with truth!
How can he be a prophet in the New Age without having prophesied an­y­thing, except in remote times as Henoch (but in German) with whom how­ev­er “no connection or responsibility of any kind can have a retroactive effect on the per­son­al­i­ty, actions, deeds”?
It seems that the good B.M. has only made his own the pseudo-notions that were imparted to him by his instructors, to endorse the fact that he has no awareness of them and does not have the means to be able to correlate and/or discern them from reality.
If his actual function as a prophet in ancient times must sanction the next one in the New Age, we are fine: he has never been Enoch, not even by cam­ou­flag­ing him with the name Henoch!
Nevertheless B. Meier himself describes his mission as a prophet, with an exclusive assignment of ten thousand years, whereby he would come to this Earth in another incarnation to proclaim once again the truth of BEING, Cre­a­tion and love to the people on Earth.
"You are the prophet of the New Age for the entire terrestrial world
and all human beings on this planet.."
It's strange that they had to tell him, and then who? and that he does noth­ing but repeat set phrases, devoid of vibration, cumbersome electrical cir­cuits in which the current does not pass, because there is none, only gra­tu­i­tous verbal declarations.
What powers and abilities does he boast, that take him so far? Has he ever left his body? Has he healed or performed a miracle on anyone, or has he only sold photos, knick-knacks and questionable books? and then a prophet 'for everyone', even for me?
It is a known fact that Meier's full name is "Eduard Albert Meier'. The name Eduard is interpreted as follows by the Dictionary of First Names (Naumann und Goebel, 1987): Eduard, male, Anglo-Saxon: Eadweard: ead = possession, property: weard = protector. This little illustration suggests that Billy Meier is the true prophet of the New Age, for his name's meaning "protector of the possession" permits, too, the meaning of "guardian of the treasure" as indicated by the Extraterrestrials
(e.g., Contact #239 with Ptaah, December 20, 1991).
At this point we will have no more doubts, thanks to the suggestion of Nau­mann and Goebel!
A quick passage from the word ‘prophet’ to that of ‘property’; does it per­haps hint at the possession of the planet by the Pleiadians?
A great busi­ness, even if a very unfortunate choice, if there is a comparison with its predecessors.
Which are also linked by the term 'lineage' and, if we really have to trust the dictionaries, it means lineage with a defined degree of kinship, con­san­guin­i­ty; but with this narrative the compromises are wasted.

After all, it does not need too much coherence to make an impact on the most unprepared and suggestible minds.
but behind the scenes?
The series of paradoxical, shocking but undoubtedly instrumental state­ments on the divine/human nature of aliens, undoubtedly aims to give them capital importance, whereas with our getting used to contact they would have less and less.
The image of CHRIST is demolished, which is absolute LOVE (the authentic one), and as such a topic of comparison antithetical to a project of potential domination; and instead that of Enoch is exploited given his celestial and pro­phet­ic fame, not in competition but rather suitable to act as a pedestal, re­placed by that of a phantom Henoch, making him assert imported proph­ecies.
All to highlight the presence of strangers from the Pleiades, mixed with hu­mans without their knowledge and with no one knows what real intent, be­yond the easy speeches of spiritual propaganda that do not correspond at all to their modus operandi. And they even boast about it:
The exact number of real contactees (note Billy: impulse contacts
who are not known to the contactees) on Earth is currently (1975) 17,422.
These are distributed across all your states or countries, whatever you call them.
Of this number, however, only a tiny percentage are contactees
who go public with their knowledge, as I already mentioned.
Very many of them only work on certain things according to our impulse-telepathic instructions in order to complete partial tasks, but in all the different cases
these people have contact with us without being aware that they are in contact with us or that we exist and that we are not of interest to Earth.
but the Earth will have to belong to us, before they even realize it.

Just reading between the lines of the passage above shows that only those who have reacted positively to the impulses received and are happy to be involved – ‘a minimal percentage’ as is natural – publicly present their know­ledge, that is, what they believe they know.
All the others, on the other hand, will have reacted instinctively, probably try­ing to defend themselves internally, and they are not even allowed to know it, but only to ‘fulfill partly some tasks’.
Unconscious slaves in a state of forced hypnosis, puppets, if what was said is true, or is not rather another senseless exhibition.
Would this be their way of not physically interfering (cf. the event of a col­li­sion with the asteroid Apophis) since humans are left to fend for them­selves?
The crime of stalking is a walk in the park in comparison; in such state­ments there are grounds for a much different settling of accounts! and yet they do not hesitate to expose it...

... so that if the declaration of love is not successful, the preconscious fear of the unknown can well make up for it.
The weapons change, but for those who nest in that spiritual ghetto the need to dominate, the less it rises, the more imperative it becomes.
There is no evidence of the existence of the name Jmmanuel or similar of Christ in the guise of Jesus of Nazareth before the alleged discoveries of Mr. Billy. Coincidentally, the document discovered has been destroyed, just as there were no traces of it before. While many scholars at least struck by the surprise are still trying to classify its implications, but with dubious com­pe­tence on the spiritual level adulterated by religion, they claim the con­tents more than anything else of the sites affiliated with Billy Meier, ad­dress­ing in­sult­ing words to those who dispute its validity or fabrication.
They believe themselves to be very clever through their doubts, criticism and know-it-all attitude, but do not notice that they are only clearly revealing
their stupidity to everyone. As is the case everywhere,
some smart-ass people doubt real values only because
they are so stupid that they cannot recognize the truth.
They see the absence of a piece of evidence as evidence of a lie, but even because of their primitive stupidity they are unable to subject what is still there to a detailed analysis and to examine it with reason and understanding in order to find the truth.
But how could they do that when they lack reason and understanding and their thinking is just so far gone that they cannot bear their own responsibility and as a result simply pass it on to a religiously proclaimed good God.
There is probably nothing more to say on this matter, because these critics,
know-it-alls and doubters prove everything else themselves
with their underdevelopment of consciousness.
google translation German-English
A discreet sample of spiritual elegance, probably from an overdose of im­pulses.
and then the competition is not lacking

Furthermore, they would also have to deal with another subject currently living on earth, who declares himself the incarnation of Jesus of Nazareth, at that time in fact called Yeshua (ie Jesus), but then who knows why Emmanuel and equally characterized by a galactic pre-setting, in a more radiant and suggestive scenario, certainly not Teutonic, polemical and of­fen­sive as seen above.
If Meier presents himself as the sole prophet ‘for the entire terrestrial world and for all human beings on the planet’, this manipulates the figure of Jesus only to cloak himself in consciences, “sort and bring his flock home” so that he can extend an invitation to climb aboard his spaceships.

Esu “Jesus” Sananda Messages
But let's not fool ourselves, the trap is no less and the sheepfold he intends, of course, is 'his home'. Both galactic stars have the aim of removing the great­est possible number of humans from the true evolutionary process that awaits them, after the true CHRIST has saved the planet from the now imminent ca­tas­tro­phe, incorporating them into his own rebellious resistance to GOD.
This one is called Sananda. The name “Sananda” (artfully assigned, mean­ing “one with God”) is presented with an “Autobiography of Sananda Esu Im­man­u­el, where 'Esu' blatantly imitates in pronunciation the name Jesus [the one we know as Jesus - the translator freely adds]”, which makes it very unclear to whom he is addressing, with such certainty, all his own, of how this in­di­vid­u­al is known.
Note that while he uses the expression “one with God” well to evoke in his readers the sense of God the Creator, for him God must be nothing more than a great ga­lac­tic Leader and Dispositor, the same one who gave him his name and made him Commander-in-Chief of the current ‘recovery’ mission.
He indulges in the narrative of the private life of the alleged Jesus­-Em­ma­nu­el, born "in the spring" of an unknown year (for Billy Meier instead on Feb­ru­ary 3, as if by chance the same day he was born, in the year 2 AD), a more or less significant or realistic life, bringing his image back to the human ter­rain, to focus attention on an icon that in the current historical moment no longer has any weight, as it does not exalt the Christ who lived in him, the only true Savior of the planet over the millennia.
Simply put, the Nazarene's family experiences do not certify anything or an­y­one, nor can they provide support, much less 2000 years later.

To be or Not to be
You should note that no claimant to this effigy of Jesus or Emmanuel or Yeshua can afford to name himself as Christ, like I will report later; perhaps they let external authors, copyists or translators of passages or web­mas­ters with excitement insert the term, for effect here and there, titles and cap­tions, right or altered in the indirect form of adjective, Christos, Cristico, Cristed etc. in confused freedom and unconsciousness.
They play to the point of abusing the Word and the concept to the limit of risk, but always with some ‘if not’ and some maybe…
Sananda knows this only too well, and begins like this:
“I AM THAT I AM” - “I AM” (the only truth one can expect).
7.Even though I wasn’t sure that I am the ‘Christ’… I felt… well as long as I am able, why not make the Office of the World Teacher website… and if I happen to not be the Christ,
then at least I helped to get the ball rolling.

8. Honestly, when I first found out I was the Christ… I was filled with anguish….
at the time it was really the last thing I wanted to hear, and not only that,
but I felt tricked that my whole life was lived without this knowledge.
But can such a hoax be taken seriously?
Does anyone really believe that the one who went down in history as Jesus of Nazareth could have thought and expressed himself in this way?
It is rather, and with all evidence, an ignoble mystification of the Spirit, a stag­ing that I would define as blasphemous, along with all the other ar­gu­ments con­cocted and composed alongside this one to influence the largest audience, unaware but thirsty, without any factual proof.
Even the comparison with the Shroud is pathetic and unfounded,
  • with a single photo from 1961, of a character who hides from the eyes of the world, without possible sampling and easily manipulated with Pho­toshop, to the point of including an “S” between hair unchanged over time, is already unreliable in itself.
  • in a few AI steps, it could be successfully superimposed on who knows how many other hundreds of individuals;
  • but first of all reincarnation is not a mold that reproduces the same somatic traits at each rebirth, indeed this is to be considered impossible for different eras, races, territories of birth and different DNA.
A real smoke and mirrors,! and now at its 15th paragraph.
15. Conclusion: So am I the Christ, everybody has been waiting for? Oh, that reminds me of another message I received years ago, that told me that people were wanting to know who I am. If I am not the Christ, I would be extremely surprised, because no one that I have come across, can make a better case for it.
Ultimately, all he can afford is a question mark; he will let others (un­con­scious) say it, since he knows the risks if he dares himself.
One might deduce that he has not yet met the real Christ, or absurdly pre­tends not to have, although some of his writings echo expressions re­peat­ed with emphasis in His 9 LETTERS; but sooner or later he will meet Him!
In the meantime, exclusively, the Christs are multiplying:
Exclusive: The Two Kings Of Kings Are The Two Christs That Share Joint Role
Of World Teacher For Planet Earth!! https://
I have to stop digging into the web, or this page will become a traumatic lab­y­rinth with no exit.
Just a note: ‘because so I said’, or because ‘so it is written’?
It is not the same thing; in any case there is no ‘infinite void’ available, but only a global space of redemption; therefore this command is nothing but a fic­ti­tious and misleading exhibition; at the end of the page we will see the proof.

For its part, it boasts a galactic lineage labeled by abundant deities and key­words, such as 'the Company of Heaven', the Sacred Circle of Infinity, which do not mean anything, but lists cures and remedies for all the ills of the planet; made up of brotherhoods and more or less ascended masters whose names and characteristics are abused by copy/paste, web figurines with clothes in the style of various eras and districts, halfway between those for collection and the holy cards of the church, as if this way of ar­gu­ing and proceeding in the popular imagination could represent the future path of the human race.
AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL - I AM SANANDA” it sounds like the title of a spaghetti western movie!

The two parties we are investigating declare themselves Guides of spir­it­u­al­i­ty, one unmasking the other, since in order to be noticed, believed and fol­lowed they must revive the name of Jesus, whether they praise or vilify him makes no difference, as much as we are talking about his immanent side, not the transcendent to which they have dubious access. The most sur­pris­ing thing is that they manage to deceive even certain renowned in­ter­dimensional trav­el­lers, who are also not always in agreement.
They boast of being able to read the Akashic Chronicles, but they do not consider that in order to enter and relive the states of consciousness of elevated Entities without distortions and interferences, it is necessary to be able to match their vibrational level; which in certain cases may not be pos­si­ble, or could be lightning-fast; it will always be one's current condition that filters and interprets roles, distinguishing appearance and reality ac­cord­ing to its capacity and tendency; to the point that they can be induced to mis­un­der­stand without ever realizing it.
They speak of Christ and give occult explanations, but without know­ing WHO He truly is, not knowing his real Return and the Dictation of His 9 LETTERS!
This page will provide unequivocal proof.

Galactic brotherhoods of uncertain origins, who establish a lot of historical rules, many premises and promises, but do not perform miracles (but they assure those who follow them that they will make them do them ...).
They all do great business and ask for donations.
“We are One, inseparable like the wind and the leaf”, except that they are the wind, you are the leaf; which if you think about it are not united at all, except when the wind can blow and take it where it wants, while the leaf can only oppose as long as it is attached to the tree that gives it life..
If you read the Letters of Christ, you will not find a single passage of such insidious lightness; my advice is to consider them as the sap of that tree.

Make it clear to you!

No person of flesh and blood on this or any other planet has the means and power for a work of such magnitude as to make necessary, in addition to the first sacrifice 2000 years ago, His return, an interdimensional de­scent from the celestial heights, through which He promises to receive into His supreme Spiritual Consciousness anyone who turns to Him with profound sincerity.
Welcoming means much more than preserving, the 9 LETTERS explain it.
However you like to call him and remember him – and I mean you, be­cause I personally have clear ideas and more than enough proof on this matter – you must take into account the reality that only ONE lived, per­formed mir­a­cles for which he agreed to be crucified and died on the cross, and then ascend to the highest of Heavens, just as ONE alone is able to describe himself in these terms and be believed.

In all the rest, at best, fiction dwells; but here I see no best case.
A futuristic kind of electoral campaign, or recruitment on their spaceships, would not be under criticism if they were not based on too much sce­nog­ra­phy, duplicity, hypocrisy that can capture the unprepared like light captures moths.
It is not known what the real plans of these competitors are in affirming a new creed, once the cataclysm that awaits the earthlings has been o­ver­come.
Observing their promotional strategies enough, I could not say which of the two mentioned here (and they would not be the only ones) is the most un­re­li­a­ble, if not deceptive in the abuse of concepts that humans are not pre­pared to discern or control.
At first glance, the government of renewed areas of the planet, nothing new under the sun; but deep down, strengthening their rebellion against the true Creator, with an ever-increasing army of souls.
The fact is and it is evident that at least one of the two spreads lies, or proves that the other one is false; and this should be a sufficient reason to consider them in the same perspective and to strongly distrust both.

Two subjects connected to alien groups, on the basis of a document e­merged in 1963, reworked and retranslated, then disappeared (like several other proofs in the hands of Billy Meier), reconstruct the life and death, but not miracles, of Jesus Christ, in some direct or indirect way the keystone of the issue, which allows them to be able to re-assume the role of guide of the human species for the next millennia – replacing the power ac­cu­mu­lat­ed by the churches, always along the lines of their Jesus – infatuating with means and instruments of the current time new spiritual beliefs, which in fact arrange a control over the next phases of development, not too far from the religions that obviously and appropriately denigrate.
Proof of this are the tools freely deployed to obtain it, rooted in a past that cannot be disputed; willfully ignoring the return of the true Christ, His mes­sage and His power (which some of you may not yet know, but they do), coun­ter­feiting it and replacing it with every expedient.
All this should lead you to only one conclusion… it is REBELLION.

Like theirs, they want to disconnect you from the SOURCE of your being, from the consciousness of God, who is not the star leader guiding their re­volt against the Creator, nor the God falsified by the Catholic Church.
They try to interrupt the intimate communion of each human with the only true ORIGIN, to make you, more or less consciously, instruments of the dark power holding the consciences at the levels of lower vibrational fre­quencies, all too cloaked in beautiful phraseology.

I wonder if we really realize the scope of such implications, which shame­less­ly deceive the minds and souls, that is, the next mind and soul of Gaia in its participation in the stellar equilibrium.
Not to mention a third inconvenience: The Blue Beam Project Conspiracy, which suggests, threatens and forces a new world order and a new obedient creed. Definitely the most impressive, it pursues and explicitly emphasizes the same intent as the other two, but with much more drastic means and methods than the exalted FIGU bulletins and the exalting Sananda Messages: instead of a mysterious JTalmud manuscript preserved by resins for centuries (to which these interpreters of history refer, knowing nothing of its contents before 1963), artificial earthquakes will bring forth evidence that will demolish Chris­ti­an­i­ty and Islam; it will be followed by the appearance in the skies of all coun­tries of completely realistic 3D holograms, which will flaunt the Antichrist and his divine Word in the languages of each, activating a mind control through very low frequency radio waves, until you hear the new god speak­ing inside your head and if that is not enough, threaten dissidents with arrest and la­bor­a­to­ry torture.

What is certain, those who prefer to be ensnared by this kind of 'spirituality' pumped out by a super alien propaganda full of folklore and transcendent science fiction are not ready for the 9 LETTERS of the CHRIST – easy and difficult at the same time and more and more every day – Who, moreover, has no need to offer a face to any icon, while He has actually expressed the desire that crucifixes be abandoned.
I invite you to meditate well on this tweet–by clicking on the image whose text is intentionally placed in such a way as to force you to read carefully, since it is pure truth, which follows the Letter n°6, page 210 (latest edition), where He declaimes:
the wondrous joy of personal fulfilment without lifting a finger. …
I use this last term metaphorically, since, although I retain my individuality,
I am active in consciousness only and am, in no way, physical any longer
and have not been
since my continuing spiritual ascension in other dimensions
after my death on the cross.
[ To see the full image in the tweet you may need to click on it ]

Whoever they really are and who they want us to believe, what I try to state for the sole benefit of the reader is that there is only one CHRIST, who can proclaim himself "THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE", no longer re­in­car­nated since then, but returned to contact with the Earth as he had prom­ised to complete his mission, even if in an interdimensional spiritual form, suitable for the times of intense global evolution and the needs that are pre­par­ing, and not in that of a manuscript whose availability was short-lived, ir­rel­e­vant in the 3rd millennium compared to the 9 LETTERS which are far more explanatory, while the find – if it is all true – documents the individual life of Emmanuel who, at the departure of the CHRIST in him, whatever the mys­tery, at most returned to being whoever he was, in defiance of the Church and history.

Anyone who yearns for Him can approach Him by absorbing His 9 LETTERS – which in confidence are like high-frequency transceivers – which He him­self dictated at the end of the last century to offer direct support to humans, that is, to those who want and know how to ask for it and obtain it in depth, in view of the most fearsome and terrible moment that humanity is about to face.
For the future of the Earth, your future, only the experience of the true and unique CHRIST, no longer reincarnated, counts; and he tells us about the life he lived and describes, so that it can be indicative for us, certainly not to qualify himself.


I am the CHRIST

Whilst I operate from the highest realms
my influence encircles your world.

2.1.1 Speaking metaphorically,
I am as distant in consciousness from your world
as your sun is distant from earth.
2.1.2 Yet if you call on me sincerely,
I am as close to you as is necessary to help you.

2.2 There will be many who will be unable to receive these LETTERS.
Such people are not yet ready for them.
2.3 There will be those who will try to stifle their existence,
since the teachings will be threatening their livelihood or religion.

They will not succeed.
2.3.1 These LETTERS will be strengthened by opposition.
2.4 There will be those who will receive these LETTERS with joy, since
in their souls they have known that beyond the religions of the world
has been TRUTH – the  REALITY of existence.
2.4.1 These are the people who will prosper and will eventually
save the world from self-annihilation.

Words and promise that no one else can pronounce.

His Light is of such infinite intensity that it nullifies any ambition of planetary or interplanetary domination.
These are 9 lessons written and edited in the best way exactly as dictated [dow­nlo­ad] after 50 years of careful preparation, [ reported here ] aimed at those who seek the Light and will be able to distinguish, which you can access and/or download freely from one of the dedicated sites.
In the past years I have tried to illustrate in person about 800 excerpts of these teachings on Twitter , with the profile of Ri­tor­na­Cri­sto, and many thumb­nails are listed, to reach the tweets also from a special gallery at the web do­main “christ.di­rect”
Because it is HIS task to safeguard the fate of the Earth, on the threshold of the most dramatic moment in its history.


Because people are on the threshold of
a world crisis of enormous proportions,
it is vital for survival that


should reach all who will listen.

…since it is on my privileged, highest spiritual knowledge and insight
that the next age will be founded and developed. .
Letter 2, p. 56 – of the ultimate edition

We are all free to make our own choices, but those who ignore this to follow other paths should expect only half-truths or false truths, mixed with the need to dominate on the part of those who work with systematic deception to pre­pare a future interplanetary government.
It's too high a stake to slip into an easy trap via the Web, scholastic, or by trained mountebanks, even more so if it has a galactic imprint.

I did not intend to develop a treatise, which would never end, but only to warn; However, I didn't pass this way by chance.
Up to now I have only related cues collected here and there, not always in an orderly way but jumping from one stimulus to another, just enough to help myself to focus, and those who read me to understand.
However, the further I delve into the examination of a myriad of enticing, wonderful and therefore not waivable, but long-winded, repetitive and artificial descriptions, the more I realize that Jesus never spoke to the crowds in this style of a fairground town crier, nor does CHRIST, who must not ensnare an­y­one.
It is easy to see how choreographic and theatrical it all is, the result of a co­er­cive and mendacious direction in every detail, but such as to make it im­pos­si­ble to contest word for word, sentence for sentence, concept for concept based on nothing, even in a language so unclear that it is not clear who it is ad­dressed to, and not always sensible.
Here is a sample of how he thinks he is passing himself off as a new Jesus:
To those in whom what I say may have aroused criticism or resentment, I leave the only objective and reliable formula to be able to perceive and decipher the dark side: to reverse every statement into its opposite, because when they denounce the deception that certain forces of evil have perpetrated, that is exactly what they are doing to you, now.
It's not me saying it, but them themselves.
They offer us the proof and the mode, with a gem, that appears and dis­ap­pears when starting one of their cornerstone videos:
The Force Behind The Bible Message to All Lightworkers Souls Esu Im­man­u­el JESUS Sananda_1080pFHR.
This is the first image that is like the door of a video, and that probably was not meant to be visible, only present to hermetically seal its content, perhaps transmitted for a shorter time than the retina takes to send it to the conscious brain, but enough to store it in the unconscious; but the web reserves sur­prises for everyone with each new version.
I can't say how it looks in your browser if you view it, but calling directly the URL with the Torch™ brows­er I noticed the appearance of a first screen with a disconcerting emblem, which lasted no more than ½ second before moving on to the content; but im­me­di­ate­ly after, when you give the console command to restart from the be­gin­ning, it doesn't reappear.
I could see it again only by reloading the page. Since I could not stop it or let it go, I took the link to a good downloader, which immediately captured the first header, usually the title and cover of the video, leaving it still in view for the choice of operations to be performed; even if in a small format, I was able to ob­serve it. Once the video was downloaded, I could play it, but the initial im­age no longer appears in any way.
At this point I tested the URL on other browsers. Among these, Vivaldi™ does not proceed autonomously, but stops at the presentation of the title waiting for a command to continue, so here is the full-page screen bearing an indelible mark: it is the seal of the whole video
Messaggio dal maestro Christos-Esu Immanuel 'Jesus' Sananda – – dal video pag.1
With inevitable contradiction, the FIGU itself classifies it, in the a­fore­men­tioned indictment by Billy Meier:
But it is for all these reasons that even today [?] the title Christos or Christos [?]stands for
absolute negativity, contempt for Creation and evil with the numerological value of 666

They are careful not to add explanations about 666, they hide behind the numerological meaning, even if it has very little of numerology except for those who have to invent superficial articles with an effect, summarizing the structure of the carbon atom as well as the gravitational constant of the earth 6.66. For our time, it scans the barcodes that mark every product, as well as the microchips designed to mark every human being.
(cfr. subtitoli)
, since it was foretold in the “Apocalypse”, by the very Christ they insult, in his post-mortem dictation to the apostle John:
13:18 hic sa­pien­tia est qui habet in­tel­lectum conputet numerum be­stiae
nu­me­rus enim hominis est et nu­me­rus eius est sescenti se­xa­gin­ta sex

Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast.
For it is the number of a man: and the number of him is six hundred sixty-six
In fact, it was up to my “intellectum” to dissolve in 2014 the conversion from the number to the name so vainly sought for centuries, and to explain the reason. Among other things, the linguistic conversions are slightly lacking, as the number would not be six hundred and sixty-six, but should be read as ‘six six six’. See also this paper published by AstroTime at

Anyone who knows a little about esotericism knows what that symbol en­tails, a pentagram explicitly circled with precise competence, that is, a pen­ta­cle, but upside down. In this image it projects its red light onto the white pages of a book open in half, which reflect it.
There is nothing casual or simply graphic in this composition.
You just need to query the web to see it as first satanic symbol with un­mis­tak­a­ble meaning with any kind of account.

Whom do you think was the force behind your Bible? I tell you truthfully that it was Satan. That is how he works to snare you in his evil trap. He tells the truth mixed with lies and disinformation so subtle, so filled with "trickery" that you can't see the difference between truth and LIE.

If it were meant to represent what lies behind the Bible, writing would ap­pear in the book, but instead its pages are blank.
And then no advanced entity would hang it on the door of his house, or his school or his sermon; unless he was really talking about himself…
As proof, I must reiterate that in the video once downloaded, the initial title page is no longer visible, it is no longer there, which confirms that its func­tion is not illustrative.
It is highly unlikely that it is intended for, or welcomed by, “all Lightworkers Souls”!
It couldn't have revealed anything worse, they are anything but angels, even with wings!
Under such a banner do you still believe that this Sananda can really re­in­car­nate the Spirit known to you as Jesus of Nazareth? that he would put on dis­play to assert himself the effigy of his worst enemy?

Maybe they didn't expect it to be discovered, to the point of making it ap­pear at the top of a search on the great title, along with many beau­ti­ful (more or less false) images of Jesus, God and Christ.
In that case they could try to remove it from the original, or better make it in­vis­i­ble, since they would hardly give up their true and distinctive brand and its vibration towards anyone who stops to read.
If this were to happen, to avoid that this article could be accused of lying and/or artifice of the images, I proceeded to film the current loading with par­tial real scrolling of the same video, both from the Vvaldi™ and Thor™ brows­ers, in addition to the Youtube Downloader.
At the moment anyone can verify it for themselves; I will make it available if necessary, since the files are 40-50MB.

It must be understood that anyone can put into their mouth certain 'divine' words, concepts and more or less heated sermons, phrases that have been around for millennia; but when the vibratory level is low they will sound some­how strident, out of tune, polemical or poorly connected; at least not com­plete­ly convincing.
Few will realize it, but if this is your even fleeting impression, rest assured that just as Billy Meier has nothing of Enoch, this imitator can never replace the Christ Jesus he would like to appear.
At most he can write his autobiography, fill books with overwhelming il­lu­mi­na­tions, but any novelist can do it without you having to believe his char­ac­ters are real; only their substantial price list is.
You can even make them live inside you, but not outside.

I am sorry to have to end this page with such low content, however, de­scend­ing from the splendor of Unconditional Love to the weight of the cur­rent di­men­sion of predators will help everyone understand what risks they are fac­ing, overwhelmed by a flood of speeches.
After all, there is no tangible and concrete proof of what both sides say, other than your credulity; even if you see spaceships you will not see galax­ies or constellations, you do not know where they come from, nor who they are and what their intentions really are: only words and the complete op­po­site of everything, precisely what that given symbol represents.

Now more than ever 'the clothes do not make the monk'; but the underlying problem is that we tend to believe what we want to believe, to the greatest extent that it satisfies our secret desires and needs, even without ever having subjected it to verification.

Reading the 9 LETTERS of the CHRIST, you will find yourself faced with a clear and linear language, free from bizarre paradigms and stellar ge­ne­a­logies, but simple, concise and decisive; even if grasping the meaning may vary in subsequent rereadings, having received over time the nec­es­sary support for the questions that have matured.

Ultimately, I find it significant that this topic has come to light precisely in the context of the Great Pyramid, since specific approaches refer to it, one for hav­ing used it in the person of Jesus, the other to boast exclusive know­ledge of data, such as to allow for pedantic and peremptory disputes to the rest of the world.
Moreover, starting from Enoch, who according to some historical citations could also have been its first ingenious creator. In fact, attributing it to Che­ops is believed to be for circumstantial convenience, without any cer­tain­ty that derives from indisputable facts.

Antonio Alessi © The Watch Publisher, 2024

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